Leven Canyon Floor Track

On a beautiful, frosty, winters day in Tasmania, we decided to go exploring. Today we ventured to the Leven Canyon Floor track which is clearly marked on the AllTrails app: Afternoon hike at Leven Canyon Floor Track on AllTrails

We drove slowly down to the carpark opposite the beginning of the track, as there was black ice on the roads. We then began our walk starting on an easy decline. The first thing that became apparent was the amount of leaf and bark litter on the forest floor. 

Heading down the hill, we could hear plenty of bird life up above in the trees. We came to some steps that looked like they had recently been upgraded with new timber and a new rope that you could grab hold of to help your way down the steps or more importantly back up on your return. 

The water roaring through the canyon was getting louder and the closer we got the more frost there seemed to be. We made it down to the bridge which crosses the canyon and took in the amazing waterfall falling high above and rushing under the bridge winding its way through the rocky canyon.

We crossed the bridge and continued along the path. There was a fair bit of colourful fungi along the path making the forest floor more vibrant. 

This track began to wind its way down to the base. After carefully watching the placement of your feet so that you didn’t slip on an icy tree root or rock, we came to a ladder that was around 15m long and only allowed one person at a time. We both went down backwards and very slowly as it was wet and slippery. I placed both my hands on either handrail to carefully manoeuvre down the ladder and my hands were so cold by the time I had reached the bottom. It was like shoving my hands in a freezer for a couple of minutes. 

There were a few points on the track which gave you a very small foot traffic area next to a rock face and a long drop down if you were to fall. 

We finally made it to the base which comes out at an elbow in the canyon surrounded by cliffs and logs lining the banks. There was a fair bit of frost still around at 1pm in the day. The cloud in the clear blue sky took on the shape of the canyon. 

After exploring the area and taking on the scenic outlook we decided to head back. Sitting perched on one of the cliff faces was a massive boulder. It reminded me of the boulder on a cliff face that the coyote would release trying to hit the road runner as it ran past. 

With lots of stops along the way to catch my breath or stretch out my back, we slowly climbed our way back to the car. This track was surrounded with so many shades of green. I love the greenery as I find it calming.

This was about a 2km walk even though my app says longer (It recorded our drive out of the carpark and up the road before I managed to turn it off). Just a few hundred metres up the road we pulled over to take some pictures of a frozen creek. This was mid afternoon and it was still frozen. 

I enjoyed exploring a new place today. I have completed the Leven Canyon lookout walk a fair few times but never ventured to the bottom. The views are just as amazing at the base as they are looking down from the lookout. Definitely recommend this walk. 


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